1 in 2540

children in the United States are born with upper limb reductions

Over 6000

children in the US receive upper limb amputations each year

And even more kids globally. This makes everyday tasks that were once trivial now tremendously difficult, ranging everywhere from cooking to getting dressed.


The average myoelectric arm costs about $20,000, and kids grow out of their devices and need a replacement every 12-18 months.

Current options also don’t allow for much customization options and come with high maintenance requirements.

Where WE Come In


MNP produces each device for under $100 and distributes them completely pro-bono to the recipient family. Since many of the parts are reusable, subsequent arms will cost $20 or less.


We remain in contact with the families after delivery to best support them with the prosthetic arm and to ensure compatibility with the wearer’s needs. When you grow out of your arm, you can ship it back and we’ll send you a new one.


All of our models are designed to be strong as well as light. They weigh between 0.5 lbs (231g) and 1.5 lbs (691g). This allows for versatile and extended use to complete tasks throughout the day.


We make our models and parts globally available and have worked with families throughout the world to provide prosthetic arms.

Interested in contributing to our projects?