What do we do?

The electrical subteam is focused on designing and testing the circuits that are used to make the arm work. Our designs are the brain of the arm. They combine aspects of all of the subteams work in order to create a complete system that senses muscle movement and reacts by moving prosthetic fingers and joints.


Sensor Development

This team focuses on developing various types of muscle sensors (EMG, capacitive, strain gauge) and develop a machine learning system so that the user can perform specific tasks based on their muscle reflexes. We work closely with software subteam!

PCB Design

Here we fabricate design for the entire circuitry of the arm (motors, sensors, serial communication, bluetooth, voltage source, etc.) The circuits we design go directly into current versions of the arm.

Electrical Task Force

This team works directly on the arm, integrating the PCB and other electrical components to the arm.