Michigan Neuroprosthetics is a student design team at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, aiming to democratize prosthetic arms so that just about anyone in the world in need can get one.



3D modeling/CAD design and stability testing


Filament selection, 3D printing, assembly, and quality assurance


Circuit board production and embedded electronics


Electrode garments, conductive threads, and advanced features


Community engagement, conferences, recipient coordination, and fundraising


Microcontroller algorithms,
 signal processing, and app design


Assembly of components, physical testing and quality assurance of complete build

Team Leads 2021-2022

Grant Gueller


Grant is a junior studying BCN. He joined MNP his freshman year and was instantly enthralled with the world of prosthetics. As a part of the mechanical sub-team he enjoyed exploring CAD software and brainstorming improvements for the arms. His team worked to improve the arms durability and realistic appearance. But now as president of the club he will now lead us to greatness! Outside of Michigan Neuroprosthetics, Grant enjoys spending time outdoors, trying new foods, and exploring the world of sports and sports medicine. 

Julia Feldhaus

Electrical Co-Lead

Julia is a sophomore studying computer engineering. She is interested in medical technology development and joined the electrical team at the beginning of freshman year. She is excited to be a co-lead this year, and have a chance to get to know everyone on the team while working on a number of exciting electrical projects, including EMG sensors, strain gauges, and PCBs

Shweta Pati

Electrical Co-Lead

Shweta is a junior studying Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. She is interested in pursuing robotics and artificial intelligence in the future. In her free time, Shweta likes to figure skate (She is on the UMICH skating team), dance, explore nature, and sing/play music. She is also a big foodie and loves trying new things. As a member of MNP, Shweta has worked on a multitude of projects including one motor control, serial communication design, and muscle sensors. In the future, she would like to explore machine learning and movement prediction in the prosthetics. 

Raj Patel

Manufacturing Co-Lead

Raj is a senior studying Biomedical Engineering. He joined Michigan Neuroprosthetics his junior year looking for prototyping and design experience since his career interests is medical device development. Currently, he is a manafacturing co-lead. His team is developing the octo-print frame set up for MNP 3D printers. Outside of MNP, he really likes to watch football, cooking, and working with 3D printers. 

Pranav Desurkar

Manufacturing Co-Lead

Pranav is a sophomore studying computer science. He is interested in exploring the intersection of information and healthcare in a way that generates a positive social impact. He was a member of the manufacturing subteam his freshman year, and is now one of its coleads. He found the manufacturing team’s work with flexible printing fibers engaging and is motivated to pursue more research projects that focus on the arm’s manufacturing process. In his free time he enjoys the visual arts and hopes to utilize his creative drive in his time at Michigan Neuroprosthetics.


Rinny Singh

Interfaces Lead

Rinny is a senior studying chemical engineering with a concentration in nuclear engineering and a minor in energy policy. She joined MNP her freshman year and really became interested in health technology and prosthetics and is excited to see the team expand. Currently, her team is working on developing cost-efficient sensors, improving grip, and using soft robotics to improve the hand. Her other interests and hobbies include renewable energy, biking, and play sports with friends. 

Bryan Rodwell

Mechanical Co-Lead

Bryan is a senior studying Aerospace Engineering with a minor in Math. He joined Michigan Neuroprosthetics looking to gain experience in CAD and quickly fell in love with being able to see design changes directly implemented into the arm. He is looking forward to co-leading the mechanical team this year and working closely alongside the other subteams to create the best prostheses for our patients. 

Charlie Mulder

Mechanical Co-Lead

Charlie is a senior studying mechanical engineering. Coming into college, he was interested in finding a way to use his strengths to help people. He quickly found Michigan Neuroprosthetics and joined the mechanical subteam. He has since enjoyed learning how the mechanical aspects of the arm work and how they tie into the work the other subteams do, as well as conducting research and development into improving the arm largely using CAD software. 

Allan Zhao

Assembly Lead

Allan is a junior studying Dirt Engineering. He is pre-med but doesn’t like Biology so he chose to study rocks instead. Wanting to satisfy his urge to build stuff, he joined Michigan Neuroprosthetics because the arms looked cool and seemed fun to put together. Despite an initial lack of any relevant skills, he learned how to 3D print through the club and has been finicking with the printers to print high quality parts.

Simi Neeluru 

Software- Application Development

Simi is a senior studying Biomedical Engineering, with a minor in Music. She joined the software sub-team her freshman year and was introduced to the world of prosthetic design. She is currently software co-lead, managing application development and UI/UX design. Her team is currently working on a Bluetooth mobile app for users to easily access additional functionality and customization tools outside of their prosthetic arm. 

Meha Goyal

Software- Algorithms

Meha is a sophomore studying computer science and business. She is interested in exploring healthcare technology and joined the software and electrical subteams in her first semester. Across both teams, she was excited to learn how to make EMG sensors on the electrical team and classify the results as part of the software team. In the future, she would like to learn more about machine learning and it’s applications in digital health. 

Katherine Lee

Financial Director

Katherine is a junior neuroscience major and CS minor. She joined the team her freshman year, after being fascinated with the club’s ability to manufacture their own prosthetic designs. She currently manages financial procedures for the team, with the goal to make the arms as cost-efficient and accessible as possible for those in need of them. In her free time, she likes to paint, drink coffee excessively, and play volleyball with friends. 

Amy Chen

Outreach Co-Lead

Amy is a sophomore currently studying chemical engineering. She joined MNP her freshman year looking to explore the medical filed through developing prosthetics arm. She learned that she liked communicating with patients, organizing professional events, and joined outreach. She is excited to be co-lead this year! Outside of MNP, Amy is a Volunteer Coordinator for Detroit Partnership, works part time at Bosch, and can be found reading.

Anthony Zhang

Outreach Co-lead

Anthony is a senior studying movement science. He joined MNP his sophomore year in the depths of COVID looking for clubs that interested him and he stumbled across this one! Loving value, he was drawn in by the concept of being able to change someone’s life with something so easily accessible to anybody. He is now a co-lead of outreach and is looking forward to making this club even better! Besides MNP, Anthony enjoys putting together playlists, working out, and hanging out at target with friends. 

Subteam Members for 2021-2022


Charles Mulder

Hank Greeves

Arman Getzen

Elizabeth Wright

Edanjen Lin

Grant Gueller

Bryan Rodwell

Chye Nguiakaramahawo

William Scott

Daniel Yan

Dara Geva

Grace Shenefelt


Stef Reamer

Olivia Parlow

Alex Birnbaum

Marisa Bladecki

Pranav Desurkar

Michael Beltramo

Maanav Kapur

Luke Roukoz

Heather Livingston

Sheng Bai

Allan Zhao

Joseph Ghezzi

Raj Patel




Jessica Chen

Armen Vartanian

Amy Chen

Anthony Zhang

Ali Hasan Shahab

Krupa Patel

Samantha Shoflick

Rishi Amladi

Kush Nautiyal

Anneliese Ferguson


Lark Sawyer

Allan Zhao

Elizabeth Mittag

Salma Amin

Kaitlyn Palao

Anne Roesch

Ryan Lodato


Mariam Tabbah

Jaffy Jeevaraj

Valerie Smith

Jack Winiarski

Daniel Yan

Meha Goyal

Dara Geva

Grace Shenefelt

Armen Vartanian



Valerie Smith

Jack Winiarski

Daniel Yan

Meha Goyal

Ritika Pansare

Anna Machak

Yahya Naveed

Daniel Calco

Pranav Narayanan

Brandon Zhang

Timon Lwo

Edward Shim

Jacob Berkowitz

Tejas Maire

Julia Feldhaus

Theonie Ho

Sanjana Ramanathan

Pit Vollmers

Andi Shaska

Matthew Arriet

Shweta Pati

Raj Patel


Simi Neeluru

Advika Jhingran

Michael Loftus

Mustafa Arif

Rithik Babu

Daniel Schenk

Naomi Philip

Nolan Mohr

Tara Yu

Xuan An Le

Katherine Lee

Ishita Deshmukh

Lynn Rong

Christine Wu

Hemil Shah

Lisa Dai

Lucas Chen

Joseph Ghezzi

Meha Goyal


Rinny Singh

Lilly Holman

Eli Siegel

Eli Moomaw

Niyati Puranik
